The BOLD® Transmission app lets you put a virtual BOLD structure in your backyard, along an existing right of way, in a conference room… anywhere you’d like.
Keep up to date on our latest projects and other news by following our BOLD® blog posts.

Korean researchers visit BOLD site
Staff from Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), South Korea’s largest electric power company, visited Fort Wayne, Indiana on September 7 for a close-up look at BOLD®-related technology.

BOLD wins International Tower Design Award from CIGRE-KEPCO
BOLD® (Breakthrough Overhead Line Design) has earned another prestigious award, the grand prize in the “International Tower Design Award” from CIGRE/KEPCO.

Second BOLD line enters service in Indiana
On July 19, AEP energized the Reynolds–Meadow Lake 345-kV transmission line in northwest Indiana. The line is the second built using AEP’s BOLD®, Breakthrough Overhead Line Design technology and the first using a lattice structure design to support the compact line configuration.