BOLD wins International
Tower Design Award from CIGRE-KEPCO

BOLD® (Breakthrough Overhead Line Design) has earned another prestigious award, the grand prize in the “International Tower Design Award” from CIGRE/KEPCO.

Qualified BOLD Consultants are highly respected engineering firms that are licensed to design and engineer BOLD projects for their respective clients. Having BOLD as a line design alternative to traditional line design parameters provides these firms with the ability to design and engineer transmission lines for unique situations where greater power transfer in tight corridors with lower structure heights are important; all while providing a solution that is avian friendly and more sustainable than traditional line designs. For more information about utilizing BOLD for your project, please contact one of the firms below.

The BOLD® Transmission app lets you put a virtual BOLD structure in your backyard, along an existing right of way, in a conference room… anywhere you’d like.



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Korean researchers visit BOLD site

Staff from Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), South Korea’s largest electric power company, visited Fort Wayne, Indiana on September 7 for a close-up look at BOLD®-related technology.

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Second BOLD line enters service in Indiana

On July 19, AEP energized the Reynolds–Meadow Lake 345-kV transmission line in northwest Indiana. The line is the second built using AEP’s BOLD®, Breakthrough Overhead Line Design technology and the first using a lattice structure design to support the compact line configuration.

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